Hello and welcome

Below you will find the fanscripts that Morrand (who is Andrew Morris) wrote and has decided to post online here. There are also a couple of other things listed that you may or may not find interesting or entertaining.

These have all been posted for fun. This is where I would normally try to dodge the lawyers by claiming that no infringement is intended, but that doesn't work, so I won't. I will say that these documents are all copyrighted, to the extent they can be, and that as far as my part is concerned, I give you general license to distribute them in any medium as long as no charge for them is made beyond the cost of reproduction. You're on your own for the rest of it.

Drop me a line at morrand276@gmail.com, or look me up on Station Eight sometime. Or drop me a postcard: that really is my address on the cover pages. (I don't care that it's here. It's still in the White Pages too.)

This page has been hand-crafted in simple HTML for a bit of a retro vibe and because I am too lazy to learn how to code for a simple thing like this.

Gargoyles: City of the Phoenix

Season 1

Episode Title HTML PDF
0 Introduction HTML PDF
2 Devil's Night HTML PDF
3 Gunrunner HTML PDF
4 Red Death HTML PDF
5 The Fire Below HTML PDF
6 Buttermilk, Guns, and Steel HTML PDF
7 The Hodag HTML PDF
8 The Wolves of Hampshire HTML PDF
9 Brothers At Arms HTML PDF
10 Blackout HTML PDF
11 Serve and Protect HTML PDF
12 Knights and Pawns HTML PDF
13 Seven HTML PDF

Season 2

Episode Title HTML PDF
1 Above, Below HTML PDF
2 Long Distance HTML PDF
3 Traverse HTML PDF
4 Mother's Nature HTML PDF
5 The Line HTML PDF
6 Town and Gown HTML PDF
7 Fire in the Sky HTML PDF
9 A Sea Without Salt HTML PDF
10 Eastward Bound HTML PDF
11 Children's Children HTML PDF
12 Disconnected HTML PDF
13 The Next Best Thing HTML PDF